
Status Payment Request


GET /merchant-api/v2/status/{paymentRequestId}

HTTP response codes

  • 200 - Successful operation
  • 401 - Unauthorized, maybe the credentials are missing. For more information, see security
  • 403 - Forbidden, the HMAC may be wrong or out of date. For more information, see security
  • 404 - Payment request for given ID does not exist


paymentRequestId requiredString36A unique number for this payment request transaction. It`s a UUID
paymentMethod requiredString2000The original payment method. Can be used for extra verification on the merchant's side
requestedPaymentAmount requiredIntegerThe original requested amount in euro cents. Can be used for extra verification on the merchant's side
decision requiredEnum StringThe current decision of the paymentRequest. See decision
decisionDateTime requiredStringDate of the current decision. Format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mi:ss.SSSZ In UTC timezone. Example: 2018-11-06T09:41:25.020Z
transactionId requiredString100A reference provided by the caller. Can be used for extra verification on the merchant's side
merchantRequestReference requiredString100A unique reference provided by the merchant. Can be used for extra verification on the merchant's side
errorCodeStringError code (indication of the nature of the error). List of error codes needs to be decided
additionalDataString255Additional info for the payment request. Possibly a reject reason or error message



  paymentRequestId: '01234567-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-987654321abc',
  paymentMethod: 'Credit',
  requestedPaymentAmount: 90000,
  decision: 'Accepted'
  decisionDateTime: '2020-02-02T09:40:00.020Z',
  transactionId: 'unique-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
  merchantRequestReference: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

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